AI: Now and Into the Future

This webinar series is a comprehensive exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), designed to equip attendees with a deep understanding of AI's potential, practical applications, and real-world success stories. The series kicks off with an exploration of AI use cases, followed by a showcase of the real-world AI applications. It concludes with a unique conversation with Microsoft, providing insights into the future of AI.

Attendees will leave this series with an understanding of where their organization is in their AI journey. AI is here to stay, and everyone is working to figure out how it can bring efficiency and progress to their teams. Through these live sessions and our AI readiness assessment tool, we will help leaders prepare their next steps toward embracing AI now and well into the future.

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Webinar 1: You're Not Ready for AI. Now What?

From understanding where you are today in your AI journey to exploring use cases that can revolutionize your future. 
July 18, 2024 11:00-12:00pm CST
We are being told that AI is transforming the world of technology, but how can you prepare yourself and your organization to embrace it? In this webinar, you will learn the essential elements of AI readiness, such as data quality, infrastructure, skills, and culture. You will also discover how AI can help you optimize your processes, automate your tasks, enhance your operations, and create new value for your customers.

Join HBS AI Leader Josh Marek and Application Innovation Director, Aaron Swaagman as they delve into the untapped potential of AI. This webinar will break down AI into three focus areas - AI Advance, AI Predict, and AI Assist. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of AI's possibilities and practical applications and learn how to leverage AI in their respective fields. Whether you are new to AI or looking for ways to scale it, this webinar will give you the insights and tools you need to succeed in the AI era.

Webinar 2: AI in Action: Real-World Applications and Success Stories

Organizations are embracing AI and finding success with it. Hear from the experts that are making it happen. 
July 25, 2024 11:00-12:00pm CST
AI leaders Uday Sidhu and Joe Baldwin will showcase real-world AI applications, demonstrating the tangible impact of Artificial Intelligence. Attendees will gain insights into how AI solutions are designed, implemented and used to solve real-world problems. This webinar will also highlight success stories, providing attendees with a clear picture of the practical benefits of AI.

Webinar 3: An AI Conversation

Experience a unique opportunity to learn about the future of AI and Microsoft's role in shaping it, guided by experts in the field. 
August 8, 2024 11:00-12:00pm CST
Join Microsoft's Kyle Severson along with HBS's Kelly Grosskreutz, Josh Marek, and Aaron Swaagman for a discussion about the current AI landscape, it's future, and Microsoft's role in shaping it.

This is a unique opportunity to gain insights from these panelists who are actively engaged in the AI field. Attendees will learn about the vision for AI from different perspectives, and how these visions plan to drive innovation in this space. Particularly, hearing directly from Kyle Severson, an active participant in Microsoft’s AI initiatives, will provide valuable insights into how one of the leading tech companies is navigating the AI landscape.

This webinar series is an in-depth exploration into the world of AI. It's an opportunity to learn about AI's potential, it's practical applications, and how it's being used to solve real-world problems. We hope you'll join us for this informative series. 


Webinar 1: You’re Not Ready for AI. Now What?

Josh Marek - HBS Data Solutions Manager

Aaron Swaagman - HBS Application Innovation Director

Webinar 2: AI in Action: Real-World Applications and Success Stories

Uday Sihu - HBS Senior Data Analyst 

Joe Baldwin - HBS Software Engineer  

Webinar 3: An AI Conversation

Kyle Severson - Microsoft Principal Technical Specialist

Kelly Grosskreutz - HBS Modern Work Practice Manager

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