Arista Test Drive

Arista Test Drive

Arista Test Drive
September 12th 2024 | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Heartland Business Systems | West Des Moines, Iowa

Join the HBS and Arista teams on September 12th from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm in the West Des Moines office for an immersive event focused on Arista's cutting-edge networking technologies.

You'll receive access to a personal lab environment for hands-on practice, explore network redundancy and modern routing techniques, and get an overview of Arista's management platform and campus products.

Shortly following the presentation and labs, a happy hour will be hosted in the office.

9:00 am - Check-in
9:30 am - Morning session begins
11:30 am - Lunch
12:00 pm - Afternoon session begins
4:00 pm - Happy Hour 

What to expect:
- Arista Overview
- Intro & Access to Lab Walkthrough - Users will receive their own personal lab environment for the event
- MLAG / VARP Overview & Demo - Configuring redundant network gateways with Arista
- Routing + L3LS Overview - Learn to configure modern Layer-3 Leaf-Spine architecture and routing
- Lab
- Cloud Vision Overview - Presentation on Arista's switching management platform (change management, events, inventory management, etc.)
- Campus Overview - Overview of Arista's campus products and solutions
- Demos of Cloud Vision & Campus

Register now! We can't wait to see you there!

Register Here