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AI Advance

Build powerful AI tools. Generate new insights from your data. Advance your organization.

Intelligent. Proactive. Adaptive. 

New AI technologies have the potential to transform how organizations operate and go to market. Imagine optimizing operations with digital twins, tailoring marketing strategies through instant customer insights, and enhancing quality control with advanced vision systems. With AI Advance, we’ll help you identify opportunities—then custom-build AI tools that help you anticipate and head off problems, optimize processes in real time, and gain deeper insights into your data.

Interested in building new AI tools to advance your organization? Talk to an Expert

Customized solutions with AI Advance.

Partner with HBS for customized AI solutions that meet your specific needs. 

Opportunities with AI Advance

Vision Systems

  • Ingest images and video, analyze, and generate intelligent outputs. Examples include: Recognizing faces, tracking quality of manufacturing output, and classifying images based on defined parameters.

Real-Time Streaming Analytics

  • Gain insights from data as it’s generated. Integrate real-time data with business processes and build digital twins for analysis and innovation.  

AI Advance: Common Uses and Benefits

Vision Inspection System for Manufacturing

Custom-built vision systems enable automated quality inspection, feeding real-time streaming analytics that allow manufacturers to catch defects as they happen, make adjustments and take corrective action.

AI Facial Recognition for Customer Experience

Detecting faces from a video stream, organizations can identify specific individuals, gauge facial features and expressions, and personalize experiences with automated information and messaging.

Digital Twins for Quality Improvement

A manufacturer might create a digital twin of their production floor to test configurations, identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement, and make adjustments to maximize output—all before committing to a physical layout that would be costly to change. 

Wondering about your specific use case? Connect with our team for customized recommendations. Talk to Sales

Why AI Advance with HBS?

AI Expertise

Our team is highly trained, certified, and all based in the U.S.—for a level of service that many managed firewall providers can’t match.

Customized AI Solutions

When you partner with HBS for AI, we start by building understanding of your organization and goals. Then we’ll develop a solution that’s specifically designed to help you meet them.

Collaborative Partnership

Our team will partner closely with yours, working together to ensure we fully understand your data, your goals, and the challenges you face. We’ll keep you informed and involved at every step.


AI Advance

AI Advance by HBS custom-builds AI tools like digital twins and vision systems to optimize operations, provide real-time insights, and enhance decision-making.

Interested in AI Advance Solutions by HBS?

Request a complimentary quote today.